walking the dog

dog walk

little kid, big gym

little kid, big gym

streaky morning light

streaky morning light

happy feet

warm weather

very happy to be enjoying some barefoot weather.

in the playroom

at play

this is where you’ll find him when he needs some down time. making up elaborate stories for each one of his trains.

caught sleeping

wiped out

this? this doesn’t happen in our house. he is officially wiped out.

breakfast balloon

breakfast balloon

waiting for spring

spring? are you here yet?

We keep hearing that it’s supposed to be warming up.

at grammy’s house

the best toys

the best toys aren’t usually toys, are they?


in awe

i think it’s safe to say he thinks his big brother is pretty awesome.

what happens in vegas

window, part 1

snowflakes that melt on your nose and eyelashes

snowflakes that melt on your nose and eyelashes



it’s quite rare to find him still these days. containment doesn’t last long…



tired kid

Tired kid